In this guide we will document the use of the NCD Cloud App for use with NCD Enterprise wireless sensors.
Log In/Sign Up
After the app is installed and launched you will be greeted with a view where you can sign up or log in. If you have already created a user account on then you can click Log In and enter your username and password. If, however you have not signed up yet then click the Sign Up button and enter the requested information including a username and password for your NCD Cloud account.

Adding a New Gateway
To add a new Gateway click the Gateways button at the bottom of the screen, then click the + button.

After clicking the + button you will be directed to the Add Gateway setup view. Here we will enter information about your gateway.
To make things easier your NCD Enterprise Cloud Gateway has a QR code sticker on the side. Click the camera icon button. You may be prompted to allow the NCD Cloud app to access your camera. After allowing access to the camera point the camera at the QR code on the side of the NCD Enterprise Cloud Gateway, this will scan its MAC address and populate the Device ID field for you automatically. Alternatively you may manually type the MAC address of your gateway into this field. The MAC address is printed on the bottom of your NCD Enterprise Cloud Gateway.
Next you can set the GPS Location by manually entering coordinates or you can click the globe button to set the GPS location based on your phone’s current location.
You may optionally enter a Location Description such as NCD – Travis Office for example.
Lastly you may optionally enter a name for this Gateway.

Gateway Information View
If you select a gateway from the Gateway’s view you can view information about the Gateway including its Activity, Traffic, CPU usage, Memory Usage, etc. Clicking on the Sensor’s tab at the top will display telemetry from sensors associated with this gateway.

Adding New Sensors
To add a new sensor click the Sensors button at the bottom of the screen, then click the + button.

After clicking the + button you will be prompted to select the Gateway you want to associate this sensor with. In this account there is only one Gateway which was named Office Gateway so that is the gateway that will be selected. It is important to note you must add a gateway before you can adopt a new sensor to that gateway.

To make things easier your NCD Enterprise Sensor has a QR code sticker on the side. Click the camera icon button. You may be prompted to allow the NCD Cloud app to access your camera. After allowing access to the camera point the camera at the QR code on the side of the NCD Enterprise Sensor, this will scan its Serial ID and populate the Device ID field for you automatically. Alternatively you may manually type the Serial ID of your sensor into this field. The Serial number is labeled on the side of the Enterprise Sensor.
You may optionally enter a Location Description such as NCD – Travis Office for example.
Lastly you may optionally enter a name for this Sensor.

Sensor Data Telemetry View
After a Sensor is added to the account you will see it appear in the Sensors view. To get to this list just press the Sensors button at the bottom of the screen. Here you will see a list of the sensors you have added with their names, Serial IDs, Locations, and a quick view of the last received data time.

If you select a specific sensor from the Sensors list you will see a list of the telemetry that sensor is reporting.

If you click on one of the telemetry values such as Temperature you will see this view which shoes a line chart of that value over time. The time span can be adjusted as required.

Settings and General Information
Click the Settings Cog at the bottom of the screen to view account specific information, app version, etc. This is also where you can sign out of your account in the NCD Cloud App