Lorawan Wireless IoT Sensors Support Map

Lorawan Wireless IoT Sensors Support Map

The following map is meant to provide a summary of support for NCD Long Range Wireless IoT Sensors.  Please feel free to contact us to request additional support resources for NCD long range wireless IoT sensors.  We will do our best to support sensors within the context of this map.

SensorSensor TypeSKU​Default Transmission IntervalNotes
Temperature Humidity Sensor1PR55-70A30min
Thermocouple Sensor4PR62-1TCClass A
One Channel AC Current Sensor13PR62-1CTClass A
Pressure Sensor26PR62-1PClass A
Tank Level Sensor34PR62-1TClass A
One Channel 4-20mA Input Transmitter 45PR62-1FClass A
One Channel 0-10V Input Transmitter 48PR62-1GClass A
One Channel 4-20mA Output Transmitter 49PR62-1HClass C
One Channel 0-10V Output Transmitter 50PR62-1IClass C

Yes – Sensor is Supported
Untested – Sensor Support has Been Added, but Not Tested
Blank – Sensor is Not Yet Supported

Please note this chart indicates our best estimation for sensor support.  This in no way guarantees bug free operation within gateway firmware or software support. Support for indicated sensors assumes the latest release version, which may not yet be available to the public.  This chart was last audited on July 10th, 2024.