ProXR Lite and ZAD Series controllers include a Relay Activator and Event Generator configuration option. This control panel is used to mondify memory, allowing users to control relays based on analog inputs. This allows manual control of relays, which may be helpful in certain applications. The event generator is very easy to use, as each analog input can be configured to perform a specific function. By default, analog inputs don’t do anything. However, users have many options to control relays when inputs change state. Relay control is limited to the first 8 relays only for most functions, so users of larger relay controllers should plan manual activation events on the first 8 relays (Relay Bank 1 as marked on the circuit board).
To use this control panel users should set the Pull Jumper in the “Up” position.
Be sure to click “Save Settings” anytime you make a change to this control panel.
Function 0: Do Nothing
Function 0 does nothing, this is the default setting.
Function 1-8: Momentary Relay Control
This function allows momentary control of relays based on input status. When configured, the relay will activate when the analog input is connected to ground.
Function 9-16: Toggle Relay Control
This function allows users to toggle relays based on inputs. When configured, the relay state will toggle each time there is a connection between input and ground. Connect to a button for a “Push On/Push Off” relay control operation.
Function 17-24: Turn On Relay
Activate a Relay when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, the relay will activate when the input is connection to ground. The relay will not be turned off using this command, this is a ON ONLY command.
Function 25-32: Turn Off Relay
Deactivate a Relay when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, the relay will deactivate when the input is connection to ground. The relay will not be turned on using this command, this is a OFF ONLY command.
Function 33-40: Momentary Relay Flash
Flash a Relay when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, the relay will flash on and off while the input is connection to ground, the relay will stop flashing when the input is disconnected from ground.
Function 41-48: Toggle Relay Flash
Toggle a Flashing Relay when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, the relay will begin flashing once the input connects to ground. Disconnect the input from ground, then reconnect the input to ground to stop the flashing operation. Put simply, connect a button between the input and ground. Push the button, the relay will flash. Push the button again, the relay will stop flashing.
Function 49: Turn Off Relay Banks 1-4
Turn off relay banks 1-4 (32 relays) when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, all 32 relays will turn off each time there is a connection between input and ground. This is a OFF ONLY command.
Function 50: Turn On Relay Banks 1-4
Turn on relay banks 1-4 (32 relays) when inputs are configured using these function values. When configured, all 32 relays will turn on each time there is a connection between input and ground. This is a ON ONLY command.
Function 51: Banks 1-4 Follow the Input Status (almost)
This is a relatively unusual command, users should experiment with it to see what it does. Think of it as a bonus command, perhaps it will be useful for someone.
Send API Event:
ProXR AD8 Series controllers have the ability to send simple push notification data when a change is detected on the inputs. When the drop down menu is configured to “Send Event on Port 1”, the controller will generate a packet of data reflecting the state of all inputs. Simply monitor the data sent from the controller while connecting one or more inputs to ground to see the push notification data.