Cayenne IoT Cloud Quick Start Guide

Cayenne is one of the easiest and power IoT platform for developing beautiful UI for IoT solution. Cayenne builds drag and drop UI for IoT, so with drag & drop UI and CE plug and play hardware you can build IoT solution within few minutes. Cayenne supports master devices like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, LoRa and much more.

There are few ways you can integrate CE and Cayenne together 

  1. Using Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is the most popular computer among engineers, it’s small in size and powerful. So if you are looking into building a solution with Raspberry Pi and Cayenne you can make it work something like this.

Raspberry Pi I2C shield[0]=field_assigned_categories%3A6124&f[1]=field_assigned_categories%3A11824

This Raspberry Pi Shield will directly plug into Raspberry Pi and give a I2C port. Using this I2C shield you can connect hundreds CE I2C device with Raspberry Pi in within seconds.

Now let’s say you want to interface a pressure sensors with Raspberry pi and want to monitor your surrounding pressure using Pi and show it on a graph. For that all you will need is a pressure mini module

BMP180 Digital Pressure Sensor 300-1100 hPa I2C Mini Module

To connect this module with with your raspberry pi shield, all you need to do is connect an I2C cable between your Pi I2C shield and the sensor I2C port. Now we have all the connections done, we can move on software.

To make sure all our connection are correct and our hardware is responding, you can run this command

Sudo i2cdetect -y 1

When you run this command on pi it will come up with an I2C address.

Now we can start building the sensor UI on Cayenne.

If you haven’t installed Cayenne on your pi, please follow these steps.

Go to terminal


sudo bash -v

Once you have this installed and created an account on cayenne website you can see your Pi over there.

To add the sensor follow these steps

  1. Click on Add New
  2. Pressure sensor
  3. BMP180

Here you can choose all the setting, once you setup your UI you will see that cayenne will start reading the sensor values and display the value on your screen.

2. Using Arduino

Cayenne also support one of the most loved platform arduino. You can use CE arduino shield and connect hundreds of CE device with arduino and then you can control and monitor those devices using Cayenne drag and drop UI.

I2C Shield for Arduino Uno

How to build World’s fastest Home automation project

If you want to controll your house appliance, sensor temp, humidity, light and monitor power the you can use Cayenne and CE device and build it all by yourself in few minutes.

So let’s say you want to control 8 devices in your house, to do that all you needs is a Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi I2C shield and a 8 channel Relay board. All of these device you can find on CE store. To monitor humidity & temp and light  you can pick a suitable sensor according to your requirement from CE.

Setting up the hardware is so easy all you need to do is plug the i2c cable and plug the I2C adapter into your raspberry and connect rest of the hardware with your pi. Once all the hardware is connected and powered up for a quick test you can run i2c scan command and you will all those devices listed on your screen.

Now we have all the hardware setup we can login into cayenne and setup the UI according to hardware. CE relay board usages MCP23008 digital IO expander to control and this MCP23008 is supported in cayenne so turning on/off devices using your phone will be a few minute task.