This section will demonstrate basic relay control commands, reading the status of relays, controlling all relays at once, including reversing and inverting relay status. The video above demonstrates ProXR commands on a 4-Channel USB relay board. This particular controllers is a ProXR Lite series, which includes 8 analog to digital inputs and USB interface module that may be replaced by a WiFi, Bluetooth, RS-232, Dropnet, Ethernet, Ethernet web page, or industrial wireless (Digi 802.15.4 or 900HP series) communications module.
Here, you will see the word “Bank”. A bank is simply a group of 8 relays. Bank 1 refers to the first group of 8 relays. Bank 2 refers to the second group of 8 relays (for larger controllers). ProXR controllers have firmware support for 32 Banks of relays, though it may not be possible to install 32 banks of relays for all installations. Sometimes it is useful to send commands to a bank, so a Bank value is often included as part of the command. Using a Bank value of 0 will apply a command to all banks of relays.
The tables below show sample commands found in this tutorial.